
Restaurant, Wine Bar

Helsinki, Finland

Nokka Wine List

About Nokka

Situated in the atmospheric seashore area of Helsinki, Restaurant Nokka is a beautiful restaurant with a lot of talent behind it. The head chef is committed to using premium Finnish ingredients which he often hunts and gathers himself.

The wine cellar holds some older vintages and rarities focusing on classic European regions. There are quite a few well-established names on the list but also some smaller organic-driven producers. Although Nokka is a fully operating restaurant, one can also come for a glass at their bar where sipping wine next to the red brick walls can make one forget the outside world for a brief moment.

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  • Restaurant Nokka is located in a beautiful old warehouse, just next to the water in Katajanokka, Helsinki. Nokka has made a name for itself all over Finland for its food, made with ingredients from small local producers. There’s also a tiny bar where you can enjoy wines by the glass or bottle, and in the back of the restaurant, you’ll find a walk-in wine cellar where you can select your bottle, assisted by the sommelier.

    Nokka’s wine list is not the biggest in Helsinki – but it is very well curated. Like most of the wine lists in Helsinki, it is heavily based on classic European wines, but it also contains some lesser-known regions and countries in Europe as well. Also, don’t forget to try one of their home-made Finnish berry wines, as well as wines made by Finnish winemakers abroad.

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  • JT
    Jerry Toivonen

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