Ms. Maria and Mr. Singh

Restaurant, Wine Bar

Bangkok, Thailand

Ms. Maria and Mr. Singh Wine List

About Ms. Maria and Mr. Singh

Located on top of the famed Gaggan Chef Table, this eclectic but homely restaurant serves a delicious blend of Mexican and Indian cuisine. Flavours are kept classic and intense, presentations are imaginative and colourful with high-quality produce being used throughout the menu. The service is passionate and laid-back and prices are reasonable, making this restaurant a great choice for both a relaxed weekday curry and a weekend indulgence with a group of friends.

One of the best lists in Bangkok for low-intervention wines from around the globe. The list features wines primarily from smaller producers that are hard to find elsewhere in Southeast Asia, served by a passionate team of knowledgeable sommeliers. Prices are kept very reasonable and there are a couple of real gems at absolute steals if you head there fast.

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  • Natural wines

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