
Fine Dining Restaurant

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Lazuur Wine List

About Lazuur

When you cross the IJ river in Amsterdam and arrive in Amsterdam Noord, the wine scene becomes rather dark rather quickly. Luckily after approximately 20 minutes biking there’s a beacon of light in a spot you’d never expect. Restaurant Lazuur, the little sister of restaurant Lastage, opened in 2019 and has gotten a steady group of devoted enthusiastic guests. Enthusiasm you’ll find amongst the owners as much as amongst the guests.

Here, chef Sherif Khalil cooks his refined interpretation of Portuguese food, much more refined than the Purmerplein surroundings would suggest, and also the wine list breathes the love for Portugal. Good stemware, good temperatures, nice prices and on top of it all: a huge selection of fantastic Port and Madeira wines by the (Coravin) glass.

When was the last time you ordered a 50-year-old Tawny or 70-year-old Madeira? Here you can order a sip, a glass or half a bottle, as much as you like. People in Amsterdam often see the north as a desolate culinary place and even 10 minutes by bike is like traveling to the end of the world for them. Undeservedly so. Lazuur is a lovely wine destination that deserves all the attention it can get.

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  • By the glass

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