La Dame de Pic Singapore



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About La Dame de Pic Singapore

La Dame de Pic Singapore is permanently closed.

La Dame de Pic is Michelin-starred chef Anne-Sophie Pic’s Singapore outpost, rightly positioned in the grande dame of Singapore, the Raffles Hotel. The restaurant is currently in what used to be Raffles Grill, the most formal and famous fine-dining location in Singapore back in those days. Now it is a stylishly designed space still elegantly structured by the heritage walls and ceilings of this 130-year-old colonial building. The cuisine is distinctively French with very delicate touches and accented with Asian flavours.

The wine list is diverse yet very heavy on French classics. A cellar collection from the hotel includes gems in the likes of 1973 DRC Montrachet and 1982 Chateau Lafite. This list highlights the importance of the Rhone Valley because of chef Pic’s heritage, and it has a very educational take on producers, grapes, and styles in that region. Something that I find interesting too is the availability of a large selection of non-french wines and Japanese sakes on the list. Personally, diversity is very much appreciated, and this approach is modern and open-minded, with a huge interest in the guest’s experience.

Star Wine List Of The Year

La Dame de Pic Singapore other awards

  • 1 Michelin Star 1 Michelin Star

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