La Cave Café Terroir

Wine Bar

Lyon, France

About La Cave Café Terroir

You may have heard of its sister restaurant, Café Terroir, owned by the talented and young Chef Jeff Têtedoie. If you feel more adventurous and ready to walk into a terrific wine bar, just drop in next door at La cave du Café Terroir. Once inside, the wall covered with wine bottles sets the tone!

This is a true wine bar, offering over 700 different labels in a very casual ambience. Once there, you will meet native Lyonnaise people as well as wine enthusiasts and wine professionals from around the world. La Cave is a must for every wine lover.

About the La Cave Café Terroir Wine List

Behind the bar, you will get to meet the sommelier Morgan, who previously was teaching sommellerie at the Paul Bocuse Institute. The wine list is focused on the Rhône Valley and almost offers a flight for each winery. Among other Rhône stars, Jean-Michel Stephan or Alain Graillot wines are, for instance, very well featured in the selection. Yet very proud of the wine regions next door, La Cave du Café Terroir will also take you anywhere in France and beyond if you feel like it!

Great for

  • Rhône

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