Hörnan på Brantevik

Casual Dining Restaurant

Brantevik, Sweden

Hörnan på Brantevik Wine List

About Hörnan på Brantevik

Hörnan på Brantevik is temporarily closed.

Hörnan på Brantevik in the southern Österlen summer paradise may look like a standard bed & breakfast, with a couple who left the busy city-life to pursue the lifestyle of the countryside. It's true, but this place is different because one half of the couple is called Stefan Gullberg, former music industry executive, former wine importer and serial wine hedonist. Brantevik serves simple tasty dishes with a good ambiance and a serious wine list. Open all summer and a lot of weekends in the off-season.

About the Hörnan på Brantevik Wine List

The regular wine list at Brantevik holds dependable players like albariño from Galicia but ask for the cellar list and you run the risk of staying very late imbibing classics from Piedmont, Bordeaux and Burgundy. All at very reasonable prices.

Wine team

  • Stefan Gullberg
    Owner, Wine Director

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