Café Littera

Fine Dining Restaurant

Tbilisi, Georgia

Café Littera Wine List

About Café Littera

Café Littera, owned by the renowned and talented chef Tekuna Gachechiladze, is a leading establishment in modern Georgian cuisine. It is situated at the Writers House Garden, previously owned by David Sarajishvili, the first distiller of grape brandy in Georgia. Please note that Café Littera is a seasonal restaurant closed during the winter.

The wine selection is varied, featuring exclusively Georgian wines. Indulge in a wine tasting, dinner or lunch in the fresh air of the garden beneath the shade of a 150-year-old pine tree. Tekuna’s husband, Irakli is a natural winemaker and produces his own label. The wine card is mixed and holds both natural and conventional Georgian wines.

Great for

  • Outdoor seating

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