Bellota Wine Bar

Wine Bar

Melbourne, Australia

Bellota Wine Bar Wine List

About Bellota Wine Bar

A sibling business to Prince Wine Store, one of the most established wine shops in Melbourne, Bellota is especially known for being able to bring in wines from the shop with a small corkage fee. Ruling the southside of Melbourne with its extensive collection, there are gems to be found at every corner, and along with being a registered wine educator and provider of WSET courses, the place is buzzing with people passionate about bringing to the fore access and demystification of the wine world to its community. A menu that is tantalisingly good and always on point with wines picked from both the conventional to the lo-fi, Bellota is packed every day with a strong custodian of wine lovers, followers and industry folks. Enjoying a meal and a wine at Bellota also means networking in a bustling atmosphere. Plenty of energy and maintaining consistency in its approach, this is an institution worth visiting for anyone serious about wine.

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