8000 vintages S. Tsintsadze 26

Wine Bar

Tbilisi, Georgia

About 8000 vintages S. Tsintsadze 26

The wine bar and shop 8000 Vintages offers something for everyone. Guests can either buy wines or reserve a table, as well as indulge in tapas in the evening. 8000 Vintages is committed to promoting Georgian-bottled wines and has expanded to multiple locations, including Tbilisi, Batumi, and a recent opening in Berlin.

The wines are carefully chosen through blind tastings by experienced wine professionals, sommeliers, and oenologists. Each location is staffed with a dedicated professional sommelier ready to assist you in selecting the perfect wines for any occasion. The knowledgeable staff is primarily made up of students from winemaking faculties.

At 8000 vintages, the wine selection is extensive and the largest in Georgia. You'll find a diverse range of exclusively Georgian wines from all across the country.

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  • Wine shop

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