Réza Nahaboo joins jury for Swiss Star Wine List of the Year

Réza Nahaboo.

Top sommelier Réza Nahaboo is our latest name to the jury of Star Wine List of the Year Switzerland. Nahaboo won Best Sommelier of Switzerland in 2016 and is a sommelier and instructor at the Glion Institute of Higher Education in Montreux.

Star Wine List of the Year Switzerland will be held on 12 April as an online event. Find more info on the event here.

Réza Nahaboo joins the jury with our top international sommeliers such as Arvid Rosengren, Pascaline Lepeltier and Paz Levinson.

First of all welcome to the jury! How does it feel to join the jury and celebration?
”Thank you so much! I am very honoured to be part of this great project and the trust given to be able to share favourites and talented restaurateurs and somms for the community of wine lovers.”

For those who don’t know you - who are you and what is your role in wine and gastronomy?
”I am from Reunion Island and have been working in the industry for over 18 years, including 15 years in Switzerland. I've had the chance to work in different sectors, from wine bars to 3-star restaurants. I am currently a sommelier instructor for the Glion Institute of Higher Education, a school of hospitality and management that also has a fine dining restaurant.”

”My role is a bit of a hybrid between teacher and sommelier. I work as a sommelier and coach for students in the restaurant and at the same time I present courses and master classes for them.”

We are looking to celebrate great wine lists and the teams behind them, especially in these tough times. What makes a wine list great in your personal opinion?
”A good wine list is for me a wine list that conveys a certain identity. Either a place, or people, a good diversity in terms of taste profiles (not only sommelier wines but wines for all customers) And if possible, with a margin that allows everyone to consume and come back.”

What do you think about the restaurant wine scene in Switzerland in general?
”Most of the wine lists show their affection for local wine which is really great for the promotion, local economy and the relationship with the winemakers, because Swiss wine is remarkable and a bit secretive. However, finding a real sexy wine list in Switzerland, with wines from different countries, is not so easy because the prices can be high if you compare prices internationally. But importers are doing a very good job and those who seek can really find what they are looking for.”

Find Star Wine List of the Year Switzerland info and enter your wine list before 14 March, through the links below.

Published 10-March-2021

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