Austrian Wine List of the Year Norway 2020 – the finalists

Star Wine List of the Year is teaming up with the Norwegian Sommelier Association and Kapital magazine to celebrate the great wine lists of Norway. Here are the finalists for the Austrian Wine List category.

On 9 November, the winners of "Norges Beste Vinkart" will be announced. Several category winners will be invited to the Global Final in Vienna in May 2021.

Apart from the seven regular categories in Norges Beste Vinkart (see more below), Star Wine List's international sommelier jury will decide the Best Austrian Wine List category, in cooperation with Austrian Wine.

Here are the finalists in the category Austrian Wine List:

Austrian Wine List

– Recognizes the best wine list with Austrian wines

The category is presented by Austrian Wine

Park Hotel Vossevangen

The winners of Grand Prix, Short Wine List, Best Austrian Wine List and By the Glass will qualify for the Global Final of Star Wine List of the Year in Vienna in May, hosted by Austrian Wine.

This includes entry to Vievinum afterwards. The winner of the Best Austrian Wine List category will be invited all-inclusive with hotel and flights.

The Star Wine List of the Year international sommelier jury: Marc Almert, Paz Levinson, Pascaline Lepeltier, Raimonds Tomsons, Arvid Rosengren and Lu Yang.

Check out the finalists in all the other categories in Norges Beste Vinkart here.

For more info in Norwegian, please check out:

Norges Beste Vinkart


Norwegian Sommelier Association

Published 03-November-2020
News / Norway

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In partnership with Austrian Wine

The Austrian Wine Marketing Board is based in Vienna, and is a national service body for the Austrian wine industry. The aim is to strategically support, coordinate and maintain quality and sales.

Read more about Austrian Wine


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