Stable House Bistro


Vancouver, Canada

Stable House Bistro Wine List

About Stable House Bistro

The Stable House Bistro is a true neighbourhood restaurant, located off the main strip in Vancouver's otherwise sedate South Granville area. It boasts a charming, well-shaded street patio, as well as a great selection of share plates.

The wine list changes often and draws from across the world. Its focus – if there is one – is on the promotion of lesser-known regions and wine styles, all presented in a light hearted, pretension-free format.

Open for lunch, brunch and dinner.

(Star Wine List's ambassador Matthew Landry is Wine Director at Stable House Bistro, Editor's note)


Corkage $25

Wine team

  • Matt Landry
    Wine Director
  • CH
    Christina Hartigan
    Wine Director

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