Restaurant Calma

Casual Dining Restaurant

Copenhagen, Denmark

Restaurant Calma Wine List

About Restaurant Calma

Calma is a restaurant rooted in the French and Italian kitchen. It is placed on a street that excels with small interesting shops and other interesting restaurants as well. It's in a part of Copenhagen where things are down to earth and a smile is often close at hand. You will feel the same hospitality at Calma that you find in the neighbourhood, with smiling waiters and an open kitchen.

The menu is not the largest, but the quality and taste are top-notch. When the seasons change, the menu changes as well.

The focus on French and Italian is also shown in the wine list. The wines of Jura and Burgundy are what's in focus for the French part, with Piedmont and Tuscany from Italy. Besides the obvious, there is a good amount of German wines as well, and they work with older vintages from multiple producers.

Great for

  • French
  • Italian

Wine team

  • NM
    Nicolai Martens
  • KSO
    Kristine Slott Olsen

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