
Fine Dining Restaurant

6th arr, Paris, France

Oktobre Wine List

About Oktobre

Behind the discreet entrance on a small street in the sixth arrondissement you will find a hidden gem of a restaurant. Small and elegant, the fine dining restaurant serves both a la carte and set menus for lunch and dinner. The cuisine is refined, fresh and modern with some Asian influences.

Yes we loved the food (and we silently wonder why Michelin would not award it a star) but of course we’re here for the wine. The wine list scored a Gold star in our very first French wine list awards for the Best Short List in France. The list has plenty of natural choices, mostly from France of course but we are also happy to see some entries from the rest of the world.

Oktobre Food Menu

More recommendations

  • This list celebrates small grower producers devoted to working their land the best possible way. The wines on offer are of various price points making the list appreciated by different types of wine lovers," says Heidi Mäkinen MW about the gold for Best Short List in Star Wine List of the Year France 2024.

Star Wine List Of The Year

Wine team

  • MM
    Martin MAUMET
    Chef, Owner
  • JP
    Jérémy PEPION
    Front of house Supervisor
  • MS
    Malik Shtiwi-Chebchoub

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