Lore Bistroo


Tallinn, Estonia

Lore Bistroo Wine List

About Lore Bistroo

A cozy bistro-style place at the newest hot spot in Tallinn: Port Noblessner. This place is a meeting spot for all the trendy people, and a popular sight for tourists with its several cafés, restaurants and bars, where Lore stands out with a very approachable wine and drink list. Here, modern trends are mixed with classic gems, all carefully selected and in perfect balance with the menu.

The sommelier team is led by Kristjan Peäske, frontman for the local hospitality scene. The wine list is compact and offers wisely chosen wines, with a focus on sustainable, organic, and biodynamic farming. You will find wines in many styles, from modern and trendy to the true classics, from small, lesser-known, family producers to the names who won't need any introduction.

Lore Bistroo Food Menu

Star Wine List Of The Year

Wine team

  • Kristjan Peäske
    Owner, Sommelier

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