Il Desco

Fine Dining Restaurant

Verona, Italy

Il Desco Wine List

About Il Desco

Elia Rizzo opened the doors of Il Desco for the first time in 1981. His son, Matteo, now runs this prestigious Michelin-starred restaurant in the heart of Verona, bringing a freshness and vitality to match the best traditions of Veneto and northern Italy. The name of the restaurant itself, “Il Desco”, is a rather quaint way of saying “the dining table”, and there is certainly something reassuringly old-fashioned about the restaurant, offset with a vibrant splash of modernity in the contemporary art and use of colour on the plate.

On the menu, fish prevails, but there is no shortage of local favourites like risotto, tortelli and veal. The award-winning wine list is extensive and is innovatively organized according to the concept of Terroir (“Volcanic Landscapes”, “Rivers and Lakes”) as well as by historic territorial Region, with expert sommelier Matteo on hand to offer a friendly word of advice should it be needed.

Stevie Kim and Richard Hough, wine2wine Business Forum
By Stevie Kim and Richard Hough, wine2wine Business Forum

Star Wine List Of The Year

Il Desco other awards

  • 1 Michelin Star 1 Michelin Star

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