Café Florianihof

Casual Dining Restaurant

Vienna, Austria

Café Florianihof Wine List

About Café Florianihof

This typical Viennese Kaffeehaus has two specials. The first one is the wine list, curated by Simon Schubert, one of the sommeliers in Austria with the best reputation. The second one is the cuisine – run by Julian Lechner –, with a modern mix of traditional, casual and creative dishes.

Here, for example, you can enjoy a version of a burger with Cordon Bleu, small appetizers to combine with wines and champagnes, or a parmigiana with eggplants. Schubert and Lechner are also the patrons of Resnicek, one of Vienna's best-known places to combine food and wine.

Star Wine List Of The Year

Wine team

  • BE
    Benjamin Edthofer
    Head Sommelier, Restaurant Manager

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