Pascaline Lepeliter will represent France in the European Sommelier Championship

Pascaline Lepeltier.
Andreas Grube
Published 11-January-2024

We're happy to say congratulations to Pascaline Lepeltier, long-time Star Wine List jury member and Best Sommelier of France 2018 (among many other things). Pascaline will be the French candidate for the upcoming ASI Best Sommelier of Europe & Africa competition that will be held in Serbia in November.

"I am very proud to represent France, and to do so being alongside three very talented colleagues in the team France. And I am looking forward to discover Serbia and exchange again with sommeliers from all around Europe and Africa!" says Pascaline.

On Monday January 8, four French sommeliers faced off to decide which of the four that will fly to Serbia to represent France in November. Apart from Pascaline Lepeltier, Gaëtan Bouvier, Florent Martin and Philippe Troussard were in the running.

Ultimately, Pascaline Lepeltier won and she will now represent France during the competition for best sommelier in Europe & Africa. The ASI championship will be held in Belgrade, November 10 to 15.

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