New Red Star listings in Mexico

Prime Steak Club in Mexico City.

This week Star Wine List adds six new Red Star listings in Mexico, of which four are in México City. The venues are selected by Star Wine List’s ambassador Manuel Negrete, sommelier, educator and wine writer.

Star Wine List launched the first Mexico City guide in 2020 with César Garduño, and in early 2022, we added a bunch of top wine spots outside Mexico City.

Here are the six new venues to visit:

La Mantequería, Guadalajara, Mexico (Red Star)

Cardón, La Paz, Mexico (Red Star)

Sartoria, Mexico City, Mexico (Red Star)

Pardela, Mexico City, Mexico (Red Star)

Hermitage, Mexico City, Mexico (Red Star)

Prime Steak Club, Mexico City, Mexico (Red Star)

Published 29-December-2022
News / Mexico

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