Värdshuset Lindgården

Casual Dining Restaurant

Visby, Sweden

Värdshuset Lindgården Wine List

About Värdshuset Lindgården

Lindgården is a classic inn situated in the lower old town of Visby. The location is about a stone's throw away from another good wine venue, Volare, making this street one of the obvious choices when one is up for some wine in town. The inn offers a couple of great options for wining and dining, with the enclosed courtyard being hard to trump during summertime, with large trees providing natural shade for you and your glass of something delicious.

The team is knowledgeable and dressed in classic white serving jackets, on hand to assist with any questions regarding the broad and well-curated wine list that houses plenty of mature options from renowned addresses, particularly from France and Italy.

When the weather turns colder the inside venue is a travel back in time to the first half of the previous century with all the great comfort it entails. The venue, and of course the well-curated wine list, lend itself towards lengthy and relaxed stays.

Don't miss to try out their gin bar, which holds a huge selection of local and international gins and makes one instinctively think about the 18th century Gin Graze, and at the same time how long it would take to work through all of the delicious drink options listed in the menu. There is only one way to find out.

Great for

  • Central location
  • Classic establishment
  • Outdoor seating

Wine team

  • NT
    Niklas Törnberg

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