Restaurang Bolaget

Casual Dining Restaurant

Visby, Sweden

Restaurang Bolaget Wine List

About Restaurang Bolaget

Bolaget is a stylish restaurant and bistro with French influences. It used to be a Systembolaget-store (Swedish alcohol monopoly, Editor's note), placed slap bang in the middle of the old town square in Visby with a perfectly positioned outdoor seating area all dressed up in green marble. Great for people-watching and constant sun exposure throughout the day, the latter an important aspect for many Nordic dwellers.

The wine list is focused on classic French producers and there are many well-priced options in the selection to be had. There is also a very good selection of digestives to indulge, and, for those who fancy, excellent cigars.

Great for

  • Central location
  • French wines
  • Outdoor seating

Wine team

  • E
    Restaurant Manager

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