

Watou, Belgium

Terminus Wine List

About Terminus

On the border with France in the village of Watou you will find the beautiful family restaurant Terminus. As the name of the restaurant indicates, this place is the last point before you enter France. Terminus started as a farm and border store and has grown into a restaurant known throughout the country. Today it’s even more than just a restaurant with an amazing wine shop next to it.

Terminus is known for its pure, simple, and delicious cuisine with a breathtaking wine list that draws wine lovers from far and wide. The man behind the business is sommelier Pieter Verheyde, who loves to share his vast knowledge and has a wonderful story to tell with each wine. To start, try the tasty butcher's platter and definitely not to be missed is the meat from their own farm.

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  • A list that focuses on the key varieties of California and displays some benchmark producers," said judge Julie Dupouy-Young when Terminus won Best Californian Wine List 2023 in Belgium. "Overall a very good selection of wines at various price points.

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