Tante Fichte


Berlin, Germany

Tante Fichte Wine List

About Tante Fichte

Tante Fichte is your new contact point in Kreuzberg. The fact that the restaurant opened in the middle of the pandemic is pure coincidence rather than an opportunity to bring something new to an already dense and rich Berlin gastro scene. Not lacking of a concept or ideology, the plates and the interior are more about taste, simplicity and harmony, with an atmosphere in which every guest can feel comfortable, like when visiting your aunt!

About the Tante Fichte Wine List

The wine list from Tante Fichte is very personal with wines from small winemakers and personal friends of Viktoria and Michael. They have made no compromise for ”chichis” or ”what-ifs” before and they will not start now. What you see is what you get! And you won’t be disappointed.

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