
Wine Bar, Casual Dining Restaurant

Mexico City, Mexico

Plonk Wine List

About Plonk

The name Plonk comes from a story: in the First World War, French soldiers received a litre of wine as part of their basic rations. The Australian soldiers who fought with them did not understand that in French they were saying “vin blanc” and so, with their Australian accents, understood the phrase as “plonk” – thus, “plonk” has come to refer to wine.

This is a wine bar with a selection of minimal intervention wines, made up of 85% Old World labels and 15% New World. They seek to have wines of different approaches (some more classic, some more adventurous, etc.) to cover all different tastes and palates. They are also interested in having some cult labels as well as finding interesting projects that will surprise. And they change the wine list twice a week, offering variety to visitors and allowing themselves constantly to look out for new and relevant things. “We will always have a wide variety of sparkling wines, as we believe that bubbly is the ideal to start or end the Plonk experience,” says the sommelier.



Great for

  • By the glass
  • Old world

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