
Casual Dining Restaurant

Stavanger, Norway

Matmagasinet Wine List

About Matmagasinet

Unpretentious, busy and welcoming are three words that come to mind when it comes to Matmagasinet. This melting pot lies in Stavanger's lovely Ledaal park and is bustling come rain or shine, snow or sleet. Open for both lunch and dinner, it caters to many appetites, and the outdoor terrace is simply irresistible during summer.

Jessica Senning
By Jessica Senning

About the Matmagasinet Wine List

While there are many reasons to visit Matmagasinet, the most important one is without doubt the wines. The whole wine list is just nicely balanced, with both old and new producers, older vintages and focus areas like Burgundy, Piedmont and California. In other words you can just close your eyes and point - whatever you end up with, the result will be delicious.

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