A. Idsøe Grill & berkel

Casual Dining Restaurant

Stavanger, Norway

A. Idsøe Grill & berkel Wine List

About A. Idsøe Grill & berkel

Idsøe Grill & Berkel is the newborn restaurant made by iconic butcher Albert Idsøe in the centre of Stavanger. The restaurant is stylish and modern with comfortable chairs and high-quality wine glasses and is situated just next door to the famous meat shop that has been run by the family since 1828. The menu is of course dominated by cold cuts, terrines, sausages, and all sorts of grilled meat.

The wine list holds around 600 titles and is dominated by classic wines, strong in famous wines from top estates in Burgundy, Bordeaux and California. There are eleven wines available by the glass and the sommelier has a Coravin if you want to explore a wider selection. My advice is to go for a steak and a good bottle of classic red Bordeaux.

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