Il Ristorante Luca Fantin

Fine Dining Restaurant

Tokyo, Japan

Il Ristorante Luca Fantin Wine List

About Il Ristorante Luca Fantin

Luca Fantin's Bulgari Il Ristorante is a testament to the chef's deep love for both the cultures of Italy and Japan. The restaurant's striking interior, with double-height ceilings, floating-gumdrop lights, and floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the Ginza skyline, sets the stage for Fantin's exquisite creations. His dishes never stray into the realm of fusion, remaining steadfastly Italian in flavour while reflecting the seasons of Japan. Fantin's signature style is a poetic exploration of the essence of a single ingredient, such as carrots prepared in three different ways in the same dish. His seasonal approach is unwaveringly thoughtful and meticulous, and he has a winning way with seafood in particular.

An ethereal dish of langoustine and sweet-braised yellow onion, in a concentrated onion soup, is served alongside the crustaceans’ grilled heads, slathered in pistachio cream. In spring, ravioli filled with fava beans in pecorino broth with housemade lardo is a showstopper (although the version stuffed with osso bucco is a wintertime favourite), while asparagus-topped risotto flavoured with bitter mountain vegetables and hamaguri clams, reflects the exuberance of the season.

The restaurant's locavore approach to sourcing means that you won't find yuzu, soy sauce, or shiso in any of the dishes, but rather ovoli mushrooms from Mount Fuji, caviar from Miyazaki, and olive oil from Kumamoto.

The excellent wine collection, which features more than 3,000 bottles, is complemented by precise wine service. With over 90% of the selections hailing from Italy, the list includes vintages dating back to the 1960s. The champagne section features 20 prestigious houses (including a vertical collection of Dom Pérignon), while the main sections showcase a diverse selection of international and indigenous Italian white grape varieties, and over 50 red wine producers from regions like Barolo and Brunello di Montalcino.

Il Ristorante Luca Fantin awards

  • 1 Michelin Star 1 Michelin Star

Wine team

  • TT
    Tsudoi TANAOKA
    Restaurant Director
  • TF
    Tomoko Fujishiro
    PR & Marketing Manager

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