El Poblet

Fine Dining Restaurant

Valencia, Spain

About El Poblet

A Classic. One of Quique Dacosta’s many venues, but perhaps also the best that Valencia’s restaurant scene has to offer. Warm and hospitable both in service and on the plate. Local produce finds its way in playful, well-executed dishes. No blabla or posh ‘look what we can do’ things here. Chef Luis Valls, Quique’s right hand in the heart of the city, clearly has a feel for what the modern restaurant guest wants. He is supported by a lovely team who do their best to welcome everyone, no matter what language they speak.

As for wine, there’s a convincing wine list with many local choices and a wonderful sommelier team. No frowned eyebrows when you ask for a glass of Sherry and a lot of good recommendations when you ask for them. Though not super deep and extensive when you compare the winelist to say the Roca brothers, the selection is well-made and has many exciting local names. If you are looking for a more distinguished culinary visit in Valencia, El Poblet is the place to go.

Great for

  • Fine dining

El Poblet awards

  • 2 Michelin Stars 2 Michelin Stars

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