
Restaurant, Wine Bar

Vilnius, Lithuania

Dine Wine List

About Dine

The aptly named restaurant Dine can be considered one of the pioneers of modern cuisine in Vilnius and throughout the years has gained a loyal clientele among the locals and city guests. Created by locally well-known chef Egidijus Lapinskas and five-times Lithuanian Sommelier champion Arminas Darasevičius, Dine is not strictly a fine-dining place, but nor is it casual. Dishes are well executed and beautifully plated with strong seasonal and local imprints and service is welcoming, relaxed, and smooth without any stiffness.

Despite his many titles, you can often find Arminas himself working the floor and ready to recommend a nicely matching wine from the restaurant's compact wine list, which mostly focuses on European wine regions. The pricing of wines is attractive and there are plenty of wines with some bottle age ready to be enjoyed at their peak.

One thing no one should skip in Dine is dessert. Arminas is famous for, and passionate about, dessert and wine matching, so all the desserts in the restaurant automatically come with a small glass of paired wine. And personally, I cannot think of a better way to finish a nice dinner.

Wine team

  • Arminas Darasevičius
    Owner, Head Sommelier

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