Diergardts Kühler Grund


Hattingen, Germany

Diergardts Kühler Grund Wine List

About Diergardts Kühler Grund

Diergardts Kühler Grund is a country “Gasthaus” restaurant located in the Ruhrgebiet region. The venue is warm and welcoming with a country charm and has been run by the Diergardt family for several generations.

The food menu features German classics alongside high level casual fine dining options. Phillip Diergardt is responsible for the fabulous wine list and friendly hospitality. The cellar has a nice selection of 1990’s Bordeaux, Jura, Loire, Austrian and, of course, German wines. It offers a fun mix of classics, older vintages and lesser-known wine regions. It is a labour of love and defiantly worth a visit to the countryside.

Diergardts Kühler Grund offers lots of special menus and activities for holidays and a pretty wine cellar to host tastings.

Wine Tasting at Diergardts Kühler Grund

Wine tastings in the cellar.

Star Wine List Of The Year

Wine team

  • PD
    Phillip Diergardt
    Owner, Sommelier

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