Wine maker dinner with Koehler-Ruprecht, Pfalz, Germany

Minh mat

Stockholm, Sweden

Wine maker dinner - Koehler-Ruprecht

Wine dinner with winemaker Dominik Sona from Koehler-Ruprecht in Palatinate, Germany. Five courses, nine wines, one winemaker - 1200 SEK. Dominik will be there to present all the wines and talk about the domain's work and terroir. 18.30-22.30. Enjoy a 5-course dinner paired with 9 wines from Koehler-Ruprecht. Among the wines is of course their legendary "R" bottling from Saumagen; Selected casks that show unique quality that were aged on the estate many years before they are released. Dominik will be there to present all the wines and talk about the domain's work and terroir.

Dating back to the 1700s, Koehler-Ruprecht has achieved great international recognition by producing traditional wines of outstanding quality. For a long time, the estate was run by the iconic Bernd Philippi, but today it is the dedicated Dominik Sona together with restaurateur Franziska Schmitt who manage the legacy.

Published 11-February-2024
Event / Stockholm

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