Haoma in Bangkok has the world’s best wine list overall

Heidi Mäkinen MW, Jury member; Liora Levi, Star Wine List; Stefanie Lobner, Premier Estates of Austria; Krister Bengtsson, Star Wine List and on video link Vishvas Sidana, Haoma. Photo by Stefan Bohlin.
Andreas Grube
Published 24-June-2024

On June 24, sommeliers and restaurant teams from around the world gathered Stockholm for the wine list celebration Star Wine List of the Year – the grand final of the Star Wine List world tour 2023-2024. Haoma in Bangkok, Thailand, won the prestigious category Grand Prix for best wine list overall. The category was presented by Premium Estates of Austria.

”Many of us in the jury were touched both by the team’s philosophy as well as the incredible selection of wines offered, with a very strong focus on sustainability. It is one of those lists where you know that it’ll take a table of somms long to decide on a bottle – as there is so much exciting listings to choose from," said jury member Marc Almert about the winning list, and continued:

"All of the judges appreciate the fact that it is often more challenging to write a medium-sized list rather than an encyclopaedic one, as you have to carefully select the wines – and vintages! – you list. This venue has done this to perfection, and included a great personal touch with the portraits of some of the selected winemakers. Congratulations!”

Vishvas Sidana, Director Food and Beverage at Haoma, joined the celebrations on Zoom.

”I didn’t prepare any speech, but I just want to say that I wish to welcome you all here. I didn’t see this happening, I’m just very, very happy," he said.

The category was presented by Premium Estates of Austria, represented on stage by Stefanie Lobner.

”Premium Estates of Austria is a group of five biodynamic producers from Austria. It’s so lovely to see so many familiar faces here in the room, people that have helped spreading the word of Austrian wine. Without you there wouldn’t be any Austrian wine – or any other wine – on the lists,” she said before announcing the winner.

(Photo: Haoma)

Haoma also won the category Best Short List, recognizing the best wine list with fewer than 200 listings.

The food at Haoma is touted as Sustainable Neo-Indian cuisine with a heavy focus on local produce, including vegetables from their in-house hydroponic farm. The wine list features a selective and well-curated range of wines, primarily from the classic regions of Europe mixed with some of smaller American producers.

In last year's International Final, Haoma won a Gold Star in the International Sustainable Wine List of the Year category, and earlier this year, the restaurant won Gold Stars in three categories in the Asia celebrations: Grand Prix, Best Short List and Sustainable Wine List.

Star Wine List of the Year is the wine list awards of the internationally acclaimed guide to great wine bars and wine restaurants, Star Wine List. The current tour started in South Africa in September 2023 and has passed through Asia, Europe and North America on its way to the final Stockholm. All in all, 14 events have been held, from Hong Kong to New York and Dubai to Vienna.

Finalists from 20 countries – from some of the most renowned restaurants in the world – and well over 100 people travelled to Stockholm to be a part of the celebration on June 24. The awards in Stockholm was held during a full-day event for finalists, partners and media. Wine lovers from around the world could join the live-streamed event on Star Wine List’s Facebook page.


The jury panel for the International Final.

The jury of our international final was filled with sommelier champions:

• Salvatore Castano, ASI Best Sommelier of Europe and Africa

• Arvid Rosengren, ASI Best Sommelier of the World
• Marc Almert, Asi Best Sommelier of the World
• Heidi Mäkinen MW

”Overall, we were presented with incredible wine lists to evaluate, each demonstrating an impressive level of quality. The high standard across the board made our task particularly challenging, as each list brought something unique and outstanding to the table, reflecting the passion and expertise of their curators,” said Salvatore Castano of the jury work.

Categories and criteria

Star Wine List's jury evaluates the wine lists in several categories such as the Best Sparkling Wine List and Best By the Glass List. The criteria for the jury are straightforward but not simple: Vote for the most exciting wine list representing the category.

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Premium Estates of Austria

Read more about Premium Estates of Austria here.


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