

Tokyo, Japan

About Senju

If you would like to enjoy true “local farm to table” concept in Tokyo, you need a short journey towards west, because there is no space to grow anything in the central area. In Tachikawa city, about 40 mins by train from Tokyo station, Teppanyaki Senju has been accommodating local customers with organic vegetables only from Tachikawa, partially grown by themselves, executed masterfully by simple yet very deep Teppanyaki, hot-plate grill, technique.

Their core concept of “no additives” extends to wine program as well. The wine cellar is dominated by very natural yet clean wines from France, showing amazing resonance with the organic produce.

Teppanyaki Senju is a fantastic sophistication of local dining where you can feel what is everyday life in Tokyo is like, and surely worth a short trip.

Great for

  • Natural wines
  • Worth the trip

Wine team

  • Mitsuhide Mutou
    Owner, Head Sommelier

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