Ricard Camarena


Valencia, Spain

About Ricard Camarena

If you want to go all out in Valencia, Ricard Camarena is the place to go. For years, Camarena has been in the top tier of Spanish restaurants, as it holds 2 Michelin stars, a green Michelin star, and 3 Repsol Suns, an award from Spain’s Repsol Guide. In 2023, it landed a place on and recently (2023) being placed in the Top 100 vegetarian restaurants in the world.

Ricard is a strong advocate of local produce, with a menu almost entirely consisting of seafood, herbs, and vegetables. The chicken velouté you get as the first amusé, which is freakishly and amazingly deep, complex, and light at the same time by the way, will be the only meat you’ll be served through the entire meal. The food goes from complex, deep, and serious (green peas with dried strawberry and cold mushroom broth) to warm, playful, and fun (pizzetta with green tomato) to ultimate comfort (black truffle risotto).

Housed in the modern and private Bombas Gens museum, which is worth a visit in itself, the restaurant has a warm and elegant modern living room interior. Don’t forget to have a look inside the wine cabinet, as it’s quite something. The restaurant is not a roaring busy place, with more of a traditional vibe. Though the setting is quite formal, with quiet jazz music in the background and softly spoken service, the staff are extremely friendly and attentive noticing when a guest is left-handed, for example, and acting accordingly. And did I mention the beautiful interior?

As you would expect from a restaurant at this level, the wine list is extensive. It has both the national and international icons, as well as a lovely selection of unknown local wines at very agreeable prices. The wine pairing is one at the top of the game with not only Spanish wines, but also some international highlights. Take for example the German Grosses Gewächs riesling or Château-Chalon. There’s also 25-year-old sake well suited to the truffle risotto, not to mention a VORS Palo Cortado to match the eggplant with miso ice cream. The level of the wine list, service, and stemware are at the top of what you can expect in a restaurant.

Ricard Camarena awards

  • 2 Michelin Stars 2 Michelin Stars

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