
Casual Dining Restaurant

Šentjanž, Slovenia

About Repovž

Gostilna Repovž has transitioned from a typical family-run countryside restaurant to becoming one of Slovenia's premier culinary destinations. It's a celebration of family, tradition, inspiration, and community. Don't be surprised if locals from Šentjanž drop in for a coffee or a glass of wine after Sunday mass.

The cuisine is seasonal, exemplifying the fusion of tradition and creativity. The majority of ingredients are sourced from their organic farm or carefully selected from local farmers in the vicinity.

When you visit Gostilna Repovž, you can expect to taste some great novelties from the Posavje wine region. Sommeliers Grega and Anže are always on top of new developments in the region. Within the 60-page wine list, there are wines from all over Slovenia as well as numerous entries from the old and new wine world. Nevertheless, the most impressive aspect is the superb selection of Blaufränkisch wine, the favourite grape variety of Grega and Anže, sourced from eight different countries—yes, even from Spain.

Wine team

  • GR
    Grega Repovž

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