
Casual Dining Restaurant

Ljubljana, Slovenia

About TaBar

Recently reopened in a new location in the former Yugoslavian Rog factory, TaBar got a new vibe. Brutalist, minimalistic concrete interior is contrasted by the greenery inside and out. They started to serve an homage to traditional Slovenian plates for lunch and in September will open a fine dining room.

But the imaginative touch of the chef Jakob Pintar stayed the same: his signature small plates to share, aka “Slovenian tapas”, are the still here. Seasonal and traceable ingredients are the key. Wine list by the co-owner and somm Jurij Osole is perhaps one of the most unapologetic ones around. Comprised from natural labels from the radius of 100 km, it includes Slovenian, Italian and Austrian wines, with about 50 of them served by the glass. The biggest part of the list is dedicated to orange wines and there you can find some 15–20-year-old bottlings of Slovenian and Italian legends.

Wine team

  • J
    Jurij Osole
    co-owner & sommelier

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