Vinoteka Movia

Wine Bar

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Vinoteka Movia Wine List

About Vinoteka Movia

Movia is a tiny, dimly lit wine bar in the very centre of Ljubljana, next door to the Town Hall. As its name suggests it belongs to one of the most famous Slovenian wineries. And surely one might come here to explore Movia wines, especially since most of them are served by the glass. Besides, a unique collection of older vintages is there for the curious mind. One of my most memorable nights here included Movia’s 1995 Merlot and trust me, it was an experience!

That alone could be enough to be a great place but Movia carries plenty of bottles, both internationally recognized labels and young emerging winemakers with their first vintages. Now run by the daughters Ela Kristančič and Grega Berce, Movia takes a new turn, adding a collection of sought-after family estates from Burgundy, Langhe and Tuscany to the wine list.

Wine team

  • EK
    Ela Kristančič
    Co owner

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