Ravinteli Bertha


Tampere, Finland

Ravinteli Bertha Wine List

About Ravinteli Bertha

Being one of the top restaurants in Tampere, Bertha’s wine program has seen unique selections throughout the years and the restaurant also imports some specific producers just for their own use.

The selection of wines is rather compact these days but offers interesting European wines of different styles. The design is very Finnish with wooden textures and light colours.

More recommendations

  • Ravinteli Bertha (for non-Finnish speakers Ravinteli means restaurant) has combined global and local food culture, serving a single four-course menu.

    Sommelier Kirsi Seppänen took over the wine program in 2019 and has continued the work to develop the wine list even better! They have an incredible wine list based on French white and red wines, and red Italian wines. Here you can find beautiful older vintages of Italian wines, with a very decent price tag. If you´re friend isn't a wine geek like you, they also offer a really nice selection of beers by the bottle.

Wine team

  • KS
    Kirsi Seppänen

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