Park Hotel Vitznau

Hotel, Fine Dining Restaurant

Vitznau, Switzerland

White Star Venue

Park Hotel Vitznau has a wine list approved by Star Wine List, and is therefore listed as a White Star.

Park Hotel Vitznau Wine List


+41 041 399 60 60


Seestrasse 18, Vitznau

More recommendations

  • A very impressive, extensive list of great classics, with rarely seen depth. Even though this is a huge list, each single wine is of interest, to say the least! Outstanding Champagne and Swiss wine selections too, said jury member Véronique Rivest about the gold for Best Long List 2024.

  • An excellent Austrian wine list offering nice verticalities and matured wines, said jury member Manu Rosier when Park Hotel Vitznau won gold for Best Austrian Wine List 2024.

Star Wine List Of The Year

Park Hotel Vitznau other awards

  • 2 Michelin Stars 2 Michelin Stars

Wine team

  • SU
    Sven Uzat
    Head of Wine

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