mato coffee wine

Wine Bar

Hong Kong SAR, Greater China

mato coffee wine Wine List

About mato coffee wine

Mato is a combination of a wine bar and a coffee shop in Central. The bar is located at the side of the busy Des Voeux Road, next to the signature Hong Kong Island’s tram rail. It is a casual spot for coffee lovers and the ones who are eager to discover some special wines. Delicious pasta and small bites are available on the menu too.

The wine list here showcases a real value-for-money wine selection. It is focusing on listing different grape varieties for people to explore. Besides the regular wine list, you can also check with the sommeliers for the “black book” selection for some premium and rare wines. They also have their signature all-you-can-drink package at a very approachable price point.

Star Wine List Of The Year

Wine team

  • AF
    Anty Fung
  • Matt Lau
  • Wallace Lo
    Manager & Head Sommelier

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