Le Volpi e l´Uva

Wine Bar

Florence, Italy

About Le Volpi e l´Uva

If you are curious about wine, you will have a good time at Le Volpi e l'Uva. Riccardo Comparino and his colleague Ciro Beligni and oenologist Emilio Monechi started Le Volpi e L'Uva in 1992. "We lacked a wine bar in Florence where you could try affordable, high-quality wines that reflect a certain terroir - so we decided to open one ourselves," says Riccardo.

The three owners have a great talent for finding out the latest, and often the stars of tomorrow, before anyone else. It is not strange that this is the meeting point for wine people not only in Florence but, I would say, in Tuscany.

Le Volpi e l'Uva has around 350 different wines on the shelves. By the glass, you can choose between about forty-five other options, mostly from Italy and France. No big names, just small ambitious and terroir-driven producers.

The location is strategic but hidden at the same time. The wine bar is very close to the Ponte Vecchio bridge and the hordes of tourists. Despite the central location, it isn't easy to find it if you don't know where to go. You only have a couple of tables outside in addition to the chairs at the bar counter. Delicious French and Italian cheeses and charcuterie are served with the wines.

Great for

  • By the glass
  • Hidden gem

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