Cul de Sac

Casual Dining Restaurant

Rome, Italy

About Cul de Sac

Since the early 1900s, this place has been known as "Wines and Oils" to both locals and foreigners. However, since the 1970s, it has transformed, evolving into one of the capital's very first wine bars, conveniently located just a few steps from Piazza Navona. Today, it remains true to its origins, with the original marble butcher's counter still proudly displayed at the entrance, and it embraces its Roman identity by offering a menu centred around traditional specialities. The name itself, a clear nod to the venue's small and narrow dimensions, reflects its intimate atmosphere. The service is informal yet efficient.

While the essence of the place has largely remained unchanged since its inception, the selection of bottles is in a constant state of flux, with a dynamic turnover of producers and vintages. The extensive wine list resembles that of an encyclopedia, offering plenty of options priced at under €50. For those in a celebratory mood, there are also opportunities to indulge in some rather prestigious bottlings.

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