Evening with Camins 2 Dreams

Rustic Canyon

Los Angeles, USA

We're super excited for this winemaker takeover in just under two weeks, just in time for Pride Month. Camins 2 Dreams is a queer owned and operated winery, headed by wife and wife couple Mireia and Tara. Tara was recently awarded “2021 Winemaker of the Year” by VinePair and “2022 Winemaker of the Year” by The Hue Society and “2023 Future 40” by Wine Enthusiast. She is "honored and humbled to receive such a prestigious award and see all of her hard work, dedication, and perseverance not just seen, but celebrated."

Tara is also about building community and is a part of many groups which include The Hue Society, Advisor for Woman-Owned Wineries, Advisor for The James Beard Legacy Network, and a Mentor for Speed-Rack Advisory Squad.

To read more about the winery and the winemakers, check out their website. Who doesn't love a love story?

What To Know: -Both winemakers will be here to pour 6 different wines, including some of their highly limited releases. -Tickets are not required -All wines available by the half glass, full glass, and bottle -Reservations are Recommended -The bottles are limited, so we recommend coming in before 8PM

Published 26-May-2024
Event / Los Angeles
Rustic Canyon Los Angeles

Thursday 6 June 5-9PM


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