Vinexpo Asia crushed expectations

Opening Ceremony. From left to right : Rodolphe Lameyse. Bernard Chan. Bertrand Lortholary. Dane Cheng. Photos: Mediaon Limited

With just under 10,000 visitors at last year's Vinexo Asia in Singapore - the goal was to reach 10,000 at this year's Vinexpo Asia in Hong Kong. The result: 14,000 visitors.

Partner story with Vinexposium.

One of all the events attracting visitors to the fair was Star Wine List of the Year Asia - Star Wine List's wine list celebration. It drew a good number of sommeliers and trade from around the region, including Thailand, Japan and Indonesia. And from Hong Kong of course.

Read all about that event here.

Haoma's Vishvas Sidana flanked by Reeze Choi and Krister Bengtsson. Photo Ray Leung.

“Vinexpo Asia has been buzzing with the sound of renewed connections, new discoveries, tastings, and conferences illustrating long-lasting partnerships and friendships. This is what I call the spirit of ‘Eternal Sunshine’ between Vinexposium and the Greater China wine and spirits community” said Vinexposium Group CEO, Rodolphe Lameyse.

The event which attracted 1,032 producers from 35 countries, was attended by 14,203 visitors from 60 countries eager to re-establish one-to-one relationships with their peers in the industry. The business matching service facilitated deals between buyers and exhibitors through the online platform, with 4,237 pre-booked meetings.

France and Australia showed their flags

Over 30% of the exhibitors were from France reflecting the importance of French wines in the Asia market. The Australian wine industry also made a huge showing with 85 wineries, celebrating China’s lifting of retaliatory tariffs.

Founder and Editor of Vino Joy News, wine journalist, Natalie Wang said, “Following the tariff removal in April, Australian wine exports saw explosive growth of more than 8,000%, which shows the China market still has a lot of interest in Australian wine.” Other top exhibitor destinations represented at the show, included Italy, Spain, Chile and China.

Meanwhile, China was undoubtedly the buzz word of the event, with producers and buyers eager to find out about the fast-changing consumption trends in the world’s biggest consumer market.

Local visitors leading

Visitors to the show were predominantly from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan markets which represented 75%, reflecting a shift in attendance at international trade events, wherein visitors are now most likely to attend trade shows within their region, a trend that Vinexposium group’s CEO has termed “continentalization”.

The next Vinexpo Asia will be held in Singapore on May 27-29, 2025

Published 08-June-2024
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In partnership with Vinexpo Asia

Vinexpo Asia will take place in Hong Kong from Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 May 2024.

Read more about Vinexpo Asia


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