Vineria Sonora

Wine Bar

Florence, Italy

About Vineria Sonora

This wine bar opened in 2018 and is the spot in Florence that focuses on natural wines, mostly from Italy. This is the place to go if you are interested in small wine producers that most people have never heard of. The young owners have been in the wine business for a long time and opened the bar out of pure passion.

Vineria Sonora is located on the busy Via degli Alfani just behind il Duomo, Florence's impressive cathedral. Inside the bar, the noise of the cars and scooters outside fades away and is replaced by wonderful vintage music played from worn vinyl records. A bonus is the very knowledgeable and helpful staff.

Vineria Sonora also organizes events with producers and, of course, a lot of music. There are few tables, but coming here typically makes you very happy due to the positive vibes, even if you must stand up. In 2023 they opened Lato B (The B-side), a small shop with organic food, music, and wines across the street.

Great for

  • Natural wines
  • Wine and vinyl records

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