Stufvenäs Gästgifveri

Hotel, Casual Dining Restaurant

Söderåkra, Sweden

Stufvenäs Gästgifveri Wine List

Stufvenäs Gästgifveri Updates

About Stufvenäs Gästgifveri

Located in the middle of the Småland forests and lakes, the scenery for Stufvenäs Gästgifveri is a beautiful treat. The atmosphere is relaxed, and people come for contemplation and an escape from their everyday lives. The hotel offers a wide range of different menus and a fairly big selection of wines to choose from, and also a spa and golfing possibilities. The service is formal and old-school but also friendly and warm.

In Sweden, the wine list at Stufvenäs Gästgifveri is well-known, not just because of its extensive collection of wines but also due to a robbery in 2007. Back then, the wine list was one of the biggest in Sweden. In recent years, with new ownership, Stufvenäs has done a tremendous job to re-take the reputation that its wine list once had. You can once again go here and find some of the rarest bottles on earth served in a proper manner.

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