No Name Shanghai

Wine Bar

Shanghai, Greater China

About No Name Shanghai

No Name Shanghai is permanently closed.

​A hidden place around the corner from Wanghangdu Road, located in an old Soviet-style house. The name comes from a wine made by the famous Barolo producer Giacomo Borgogno. This is a small, cosy and comfortable place to have a glass of natural wine, and on the second floor, you'll find a terrace where you sit as comfortable as being at home.

About the No Name Shanghai Wine List

​There's no actual wine list, but all the wines are on the shelves, with the price written on the bottle. The selection changes continuously, with a main focus on natural wine from around the world.

Wine Tasting at No Name Shanghai

​Natural wine tastings are held frequently.

Great for

  • Hidden gem
  • Natural wines
  • Outdoor seating
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