
Fine Dining Restaurant, Hotel

Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

About Milka

Restaurant Milka is one of the rising culinary stars in Slovenia. Just four months after opening its doors in 2022, it received its first Michelin star, followed by a second in 2023. Nestled in the heart of the Julian Alps, Milka offers breathtaking views overlooking Lake Jasna and the majestic mountains beyond. It doesn’t get more “instagramable” than this. Chef David Žefran excels in blending Nordic and Alpine cuisines, focusing on seasonal and locally sourced ingredients.

While Gorenjska is not a wine-producing region, the wine list at Milka represents all three Slovenian wine regions—Podravje, Posavje, and Primorska—equally. Kranjska Gora is situated near the borders of Austria and Italy, hence, Milka offers a great selection of wines from neighbouring regions such as Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italy), Carinthia, and Styria (Austria), including many lesser-known producers. Additionally, the wine list features representatives from classic wine regions of France.

Milka awards

  • 2 Michelin Stars 2 Michelin Stars

Wine team

  • Ž
    Živa Renko

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