Görvälns slott

Hotel, Casual Dining Restaurant

Järfälla, Sweden

Görvälns slott Wine List

About Görvälns slott

The historic manor Görvälns slott is nowadays a boutique hotel near Stockholm. The location next to the lake Mälaren is gorgeous and it's a coveted spot for both weddings and conferences. The kitchen at the restaurant Galleriet serves a seasonal Swedish cuisine and it has been renowned in gastronomic circles for a long time.

About the Görvälns slott Wine List

The wine list is varied with a strong presence of French wines. There is a full page of champagnes, with plenty of prestige cuvées and some older vintages. If you're dropping in for a business lunch, there is a nice choice of wines by the glass - several served by coravin.

Great for

  • Beautiful view
  • By the glass
  • Champagne
  • Countryside
  • French wines
  • Stay over

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