Bratschtall Manala

Casual Dining Restaurant

Kaysersberg, France

About Bratschtall Manala

In the lively, cobbled suburbs of Kaysersberg, the Viaux family serves hearty cuisine deeply rooted in its valley. You can sit on the terrace at any hour and in any weather, to fill your stomach and refresh your throat. This is a place for those who love both wine and company, and have a hearty thirst.

For the past few years, wine lover Joris Viaux has built an impressive cellar. A corkscrew virtuoso, he delights with large glasses of gems from near and far and, assisted by a well-trained sommelier, Valentin, he has turned the wine cellar into his little empire. With many natural wines from Alsace and Savoie, and some cult producers, the wine list keeps growing.

Great for

  • Natural wines

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